We are a Voluntary controlled Church of England school. Our local parish church is St. Mary the Virgin's Church.
Voluntary-controlled schools are run by the local authority. As with community schools, the local authority:
School land and buildings are normally owned by a charity, often a religious organisation, which also appoints some of the members of the governing body.
We hold 'Collective worship' every day in school and every week we are visited either by our vicar or by our local ‘Open The Book' group who take the worship for our children.
We hold celebration services for the main Christian events of Harvest, Christmas and Easter and invite parents and local community members to attend.
We follow the LA Agreed syllabus for teaching RE. The link below gives more information for parents/ carers about the RE syllabus for schools.
The RE syllabus also includes information about other major world religions such as Judaism, Islam and Hinduism.
Values for Life – Teaching Christian Values in Primary Schools
An exciting resource teaching 12 carefully selected Christian values over a 2 year rolling programme. The resource provides:
• whole school rationale for teaching values
• collective worship plans
• practical classroom activities and cross-curricular links
• bible stories and stories from different religions
The values taught are:-