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Term6 week 1 1st June

Our topic this term is: Stories People Tell.


You will have a morning timetable for Maths and English tasks, followed by afternoon activities which can be done in any order. There is also an outdoor learning task set by our Forest School Leader too.


I will be reading Alice in Wonderland to you this week for your story-time videos- so please do keep checking back to this page for daily updates. If you have a version of the book at home, or even the movie- please do read/watch it; it is an all-time classic.


As usual, please use the class email to send in photos of any work you require feedback on and please do email pictures of your afternoon activities which we can share on the gallery page to show everyone what you have been up to!


Mrs Hourihan will be super busy in school with the year 6's, so I will be responding to your emails and seeing what you have been up to. I am always open to ideas for your afternoon activities so if you have something you'd like to do or share with us all, please drop me an email.

Mrs Regan smiley


Picture of the week: What is this?


Gloucestershire Music WCET Videos - Ian Evans Video 5

Alice in Wonderland 1

Alice in Wonderland 2

Alice in wonderland 3

Alice in Wonderland 4

The Snatchabook
