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2021 Open Days

Shoe-box Production Line!

Store Room Conversion

1st September 2019: New Classroom finished at last!

Class 4 children (years 5 and 6) now have a brand new classroom to work in.

Our old store room (aka 'Aladdins Den') has been converted to create a light and airy teaching space for the older children.

Kitchen - 21st January 2019

The new kitchen here at Longborough is now fully operational.  The children will now be enjoying delicious hot lunches cooked on site.

Longborough Nursery Demand Survey 2018

Stemworks 18-19


K’nex challenge

This year James Driver and Jacob Brewerton were successful in reaching the final of the Knex Challenge.

The initial challenge took place at Longborough where children were provided with an introduction to the exciting world of engineering, by using K’nex to produce a solution for a given problem. A winning team was chosen based on their ability to work together, solve problems, produce a working model and communicate their ideas to each other whilst having lots of fun.


James and Jacob were very excited to be representing the school but unfortunately on the day, James wasn’t well, so Tom Daniels kindly offered to take his place as an experienced finalist from 2017 and went along with Jacob to win the whole competition! Well done James, Jacob and Tom – what a team.

The Jenny Hitchman Trophy this term goes to.....


Henry Hughes-Garbett

The Jenny Hitchman Trophy


Summer 2017 winner is Evie Cave


Spring 2017 winner is Nell Clark


Autumn 2016 winner is Gethin Custard





This trophy is awarded at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms to the pupil who best reflects the school’s values.


The pupil will have demonstrated significantly many of the school’s Christian values through their actions and behaviours.


They will have:

  • A respectful and positive attitude

  • Given their best at all times

  • Been self-disciplined

  • Shown perseverance

  • Demonstrated support for others

  • Demonstrated that they are responsible and trustworthy

  • Been a clear role model for others
