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Term6 week 3 15th June

Our topic this term is 'Stories People Tell'.

This week  I will attempt to read a very famous book,called 'Journey to the Centre of The Earth' written by a very famous author, a very long time ago! His name was Jules Verne, and your parents may have heard about '20,000 Leagues under the Sea' or 'Around The World in 80 Days', also written by this author in the late 1800's. There are 10 chapters, so we will need to get a move on! Your spellings and English work all link around this book and the theme of volcanoes. If you get chance to see the film or video clips at least, this book was made into a film in 1959. I hope you enjoy the story- its a classic!


You will find that for maths this week, you need to watch the mini-teaching video clips (see below), then complete a written task followed by mathletics activities which all link in too. I hope this is useful to you.

As usual if you have any queries or questions please email me at and please do send in photos for the weekly C4 gallery images.   We will zoom again this week to ensure we stay in touch, please check your emails for information on day and time. 


Don't forget to send in photos of your weekly challenge (to cook a meal for your family!) for me to upload. I will set you a different challenge this Wednesday!

Have a great week and work hard!

Mrs Regan smiley


Picture of the week- what is this?

Geometry coordinates revision

Video 1 to watch before Mondays coordinates task sheet

Geometry reflection

Maths session 2 to watch before reflection task sheet

Geometry translations

Maths session 3 to watch before Translation sheet

Volcano Song

A catchy song to help you understand how volcanoes work, along with technical vocabulary and a few of the most famous volcanoes listed.

Gloucestershire Music WCET Videos - Ian Evans Video 7

Video 7 for primary schools.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth ch 1 and 2

Monday's instalment

Journey to the Centre of the Earth ch 3 and 4

Inside the Crater. A Dead End.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth ch 5 and 6

Water Everywhere. Lost in the Dark!

Journey to the Centre of the Earth ch 7 and 8

An underground Sea. A battle of monsters.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth CHAPTER 9

The Storm.

Journey to the Centre of the Earth CHAPTER 10

Through the Volcano.
