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A warm welcome to Longborough School Parents and Friends Association. As a parent or carer of a child in our school you automatically become a member of the PFA, we also include grandparents, relatives and members of our fabulous village. We especially welcome parents who are new to the area or school, and encourage you to attend our events and feel part of our close-knit small-school community. Everyone is welcome to all meetings.



Your current committee is: 

Chair: Simone (Mum to Tilly and Florence)

Vice Chair:  Miggy (Mum to Scarlet, Emily and Thomas)

Secretary: Fran (Mum to Poppy and James)

Treasurer: Vicky (Mum to Alfie)

Members: all parents, teachers and staff



As you are well aware, we are a small village school with a limited number of 'families' to draw upon. We are always in need of help: producing cakes, tombola prizes, helping prepare for events, tidying up, manning stands, and any time and help you can provide, now matter how small, will make a big difference to us. We value all contributions, from all 'trades'. So if you fancy a spot of gardening? Or feel you have a skill or resource you could provide, please do get in touch with us.


Every year the PFA fund: contributions for coaches for all trips; Pantomime tickets and refreshments; Subsidised entry costs; new guided reading books; playground equipment; prizes for competitions; donations to school for learning support; subsidised club costs; Christmas treats (party/games/crackers/lunch); musical instruments and lessons; learning resources and computer support. Not to mention all the little extras which go unnoticed. All these amazing opportunities can only happen with your support and attendance at events. Please do continue to make sure we can provide the very best 'learning experience' for such a small school.


Thank you for your continued support.

Everyone is welcome to all PFA meetings. Notices are emailed and put up on the noticeboard outside school.
