Home Page

Class 1

Welcome to Class One!

Here you will find information about our term including useful dates, timetable outlines and our term's big question. Photos and videos are regularly uploaded onto the page so please be sure to take a look every now and then to see what fun adventures we have been up to.

Class 1 are taught by Miss Thomas.


To help with the transition into school life, we offer a staggered entry for all reception children. For the first week children will be in school from 8:35am - 12pm, the second week children are invited to stay for lunch so pick up time will be 1pm. Your child has a peg all ready for them in their new cloakroom. Please ensure to bring in your child's PE kit (this can be kept at school), a coat, a pair of wellies, a book-bag and a water bottle. Please make sure everything is clearly labelled.


 On a Wednesday afternoon children take part in a creative curriculum session. Creative curriculum groups change each term so please speak to your child's class teacher to find out which group they are in. 


If there is anything we can help you with please feel free to come in and speak to us. If it is a serious issue we may schedule an after school appointment as things are a little less hectic at this time.  A class letter with more information will be sent out as the term gets started so keep an eye out for this via your email. We look forward to getting to know you and your little one as the term progresses. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to either of us directly, or make an appointment with the school office.


Miss Thomas

Our 'Big Question' this term:  


Town or Country, where would you rather live?

Outdoor Learning


Please use Tapestry to share what the children have been up to. You can add photos, videos and comments that we can read and respond to. Seeing what the children have been up to will also help me to plan tasks for the following weeks and it would be great to see what they are up to!


How to upload to Tapestry: 

Choose the ‘Add Observation’ option (or the ‘plus’ icon on your iphone/ipad) and add the relevant information into the boxes on the screen. Photos and videos may be uploaded by choosing the ‘add media’ option. When you have saved your observation, you may go back to the home screen at any time by choosing the ‘Obs’ tab or clicking on the logo (on the cloud, top left corner).

Useful Information

Recommended Apps

  • Alpha blocks
  • Teach your monster to read
  • Number Blocks