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Term6 week 1 1st June

Our topic this term is: Stories People Tell

You have a morning timetable for Maths and English, followed by an afternoon timetable for a mix of activities. There is also an outdoor learning activity set weekly by our Forest School Leader. 


I will be reading Alice in Wonderland to you this week on the story-time videos- and will use it as a theme for some interesting spellings, and a great writing task. If you can access the original text or find the movie- please do; it is a classic and you'll really enjoy it.


As usual- please use the class email to send me photos of any work that requires feedback and do send in pictures of your afternoon activities for the class 4 gallery.  Enjoy this last term!

Mrs Regan smiley

Picture of the week: What is this?

Gloucestershire Music WCET Videos - Ian Evans Video 5

Alice in Wonderland 1

Alice in Wonderland 2

Alice in wonderland 3

Alice in Wonderland 4

The Snatchabook
