The Governing Board of NCSF has been exploring the future options for the NCSF in improving our pupils experiences and outcomes, school environments and finances over the next five years. Government has been very clear that they wish all schools to belong to a 'family of schools' under a Multi Academy Trust structure.
There is clear evidence that schools working together achieve these improved outcomes, and so the Governing Board working group has asked itself the question “Are we better off staying as a Federation or should we apply for Multi Academy Trust status to secure our pupils future interests?” After much research and careful deliberation we have decided on 6th December Full Governing Board to proceed to a consultation with our Parents, Staff, Communities, Councils, Unions and Churches to look at converting to a Multi Academy Trust (MAT). You can find the letter about the consultation and a document that will evolve over the coming six weeks answering your questions below.
The consultation will close on Friday 18th February
Martin Nicholas
Chair of Governors, NCSF