Last year we linked with Saied Aladdin School in the main city of Amman in Jordan. Mrs Fisher visited it and a refugee camp during her visit from Wednesday 11th - Sunday 15th March 2015. We were able to build some ties and exchange videos and photographs with this school. Unfortunately due to problems with communication we have not been able to maintain this contact but hopefully we may be able to link up again in the future.
In the past Swell Primary School has twinned with a school in Wellington, New Zealand called St Marks Church School , via BBC World Class.
The children have exchanged emails and photographs of activities but the high point came when we were visited by Archie and Mckenzie who have family ties in Bourton. The brought their favourite book 'The Whale Rider' to give to the junior class as a memento.
We have also had contact with Kingsholm C of E Primary in Gloucester and have discovered how different their school is to ours.