From September 2014 a new duty in the SEND Code of Practice was placed on Local Authorities, this is referred to as the 'Local Offer'. The purpose of the Local Offer is to provide information for parents, which helps them to understand the services they can expect from a range of local service. It provides a single place for the information including their statutory entitlements.
The Local Offer should make clear what provision is available for their child in Early Years sessions, schools, colleges and other services; including health and social care. All information within the Local Offer section is there to support families of children and young people with Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) from 0 to 25.
Mrs Anna Mason out Special Education Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) can be contacted through the School Office.
Details for the Gloucestershire Local Offer can be found by following the link below.