Welcome to Term 6 Week 5
For the next few weeks, there is a slight change to your home-learning activities. As Mrs Hourihan is planning for the class in school now, I will be responsible for your home learning.
Morning sessions for English and Maths will be set, the rest of your week is for a project and your outdoor learning tasks set by our forest school leader. There is also a weekly health and well being workmat to complete.
I will be using Roald Dahl for your English tasks, starting with 'The Toad and the Snail'.
Your story time video of this is also on this page- you will need to watch the video to answer the comprehension questions set.
This first weekly project is all about your home area.
There are 3 'outdoor' based sessions, and 2 'indoor' based sessions for the week.
Each week I will introduce your project via a video, and all the resources you need will be available on this home learning page.
Please do continue to send in photos of work for feedback and to share on our class page gallery.
We will also zoom during the week to share your project work with everyone.
Please email me on C3@longborough.gloucs.sch.uk with any queries.
Have fun, Mrs Regan