Our theme is 'Stories People Tell'
Welcome to Term 6 week 6!
This week is your last week of Maths/English morning timetable (hooray!), and afternoon project work.
English focus this week is Poetry linked to wildlife, and 'Haikus' in particular.
Maths tasks are fluency based, with a data interpretation task too.
Afternoon project is: WONDERFUL WILDLIFE! Read the instructions carefully, ask for adult supervision and help to get out and about. We will be producing a digital nature scrapbook to share with everybody - so please do make sure you send in photos of your finds.
Storytime videos are a collection of some of our favourite picture books- so just sit back and enjoy them!
We will zoom twice again this week for mental maths challenges and games.
Any questions or queries- email me at the usual class address. C3@longborough.gloucs.sch.uk.
Enjoy your week. Mrs Regan
Story Time Videos - One for every day of the week!